Image result for clipart showing knowing it allAs I continue my reading in the book of Job, three of his friends are finally quiet since they could not convince Job of what they "know" is his problem.  Now along comes another well-meaning friend, who is the youngest of the speakers, but after several chapters, it is evident that he is not able to convince Job that what God has allowed to come to Job is because he has sinned against God. I confess, I do not always understand what God is doing in my life.  However, I am coming to realize that what I know about God is so minor and incomplete this side of Heaven.  Our God is mysterious and His knowledge is inexhaustible!  I can't always explain God, yet I am willing to yield to two truths which are foundational for me as God accomplishes:  HE IS GOOD (Ps. 86:5 and other places, "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.")  HE LOVES YOU  AND ME!  Calvary and the empty tomb are the evidences of His love. 

For now, one of my "take-aways" for this reading in Job is that my speech (opinions, analyzings, rationals, excuses, beliefs, and advice) must come under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  I listen as the pundits, "know it alls" in media who continue their diatribe about what they know and sometimes it is based upon little  knowledge, and too often based on hear-say from another pundit, and it is considered as reliable.  I find some of the "knowing" as insulting.  Yet, I wonder as I am "pontificating" my opinion or my judgment about "anything" or "anyone" is it insulting/offensive to Holy God?  Is what I think opinion or is it based on the Word of God, and is it sooo healthful and helpful to the listener that I MUST speak or write?  Is what I speak or write grounded in truth and grace?  Am I a "know it all"?  Oh me!  Forgive me Lord God for those many times of speaking or writing judgments.  You well know, I am a sinful and ungodly Unholy Spirit!   Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS.



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