Image result for CLIPART SHOWING SALESMANJacob is such an assurance that God does not demand "perfect obedience" to be used of HIM.  In Genesis 27-28, Jacob has been complicit with his "well-meaning" conniving Mother to cheat his brother, Esau, out of his birthright. God had already told Rebekah that she was carrying twins and that the older would serve the younger twin.  I guess, as we helpful Sarahs do, Rebekah plans a rouse to help God along and insure the blessing for Jacob.  Tragically, both Rebekah and Issac are guilty of favoring one son above another.  It never seems to work well!  The providence of God is at work again as HE prevails over all the scheming of Rebekah and Jacob. Tragically, Rebekah sends Jacob away to escape Esau's hatred, his wrath, and his threat to kill Jacob.  In all of Rebekah's conniving, she will not see Jacob again in her life. Esau is in full-blown rebellion and blaming Jacob for his loss of the blessing, yet not willing to see the part he played in the rouse from the beginning.  How like us not to accept responsibility for hot messes that we create!  

Jacob is on the run from his brother, whom he helped cheat. On the run, he encounters God in a dream.  God affirms the blessing that HE had given to Issac and that is now his.   The Lord speaks HIS blessing:  I am the Lord God, I will give to you, I am with you, I will not leave you until I have done as I have spoken.  Jacob, being the consummate deal-maker, still has not humbled himself in this encounter, gives his reply: IF God will be with me, and keep me, and in this way I am going, give me bread and clothing, so that I can come back to my Father's house. But God keeps HIS word and gives the blessing even though Jacob is still not at the point of being willing to humble himself.  To insure that event of humbling oneself, in the next chapters, he will meet another "broker of chicanery" equal to himself, dear ole Uncle Laban, and Jacob will have a wrestling match with God.  One almost feels sympathy for what Jacob has coming from Uncle Laban.

There have been those times that I thought if I performed perfectly and marked off my check list of obedience that God owed it to me to give me HIS best and bless me.  Guilty!  It has been in brokenness and a willingness many times that I have come to have some semblance of  understanding of HIS mercy, and HIS grace.  I am learning to just go ahead, confess, repent, and humble myself under HIS mighty hand.  Nahum 1:7, "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble; He cares for those who trust in Him..." Come join me, there is plenty of room in and under God's mighty hand as we humble ourselves together to honor HIM.  Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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