Image result for clip art of question marks.  Israel is returning from Babylonian captivity and God has a message for them by way of Isaiah.  In Isaiah 40, God asks several questions for Israel to consider. "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand?  Who has held the dust of the earth in a bucket?  Who has understood the mind of the Lord or instructed Him as His counselor?  Whom did the Lord consult....?  Who taught Him the right way?  Who has taught Him knowledge?  Who showed Him the path of understanding?"  HE desires that Israel might acknowledge and worship HIM rather than the work of their hands. 

 "To whom, then will you compare God?  What image will you compare Him to?"  In reading Isaiah and the New Testament, one can easily see that Israel just didn't 
"get" it. 
I perceive that these are very valid questions that we need to inquire of ourselves.  It is very obvious that our God is peerless!  No one or the work of our hands can compare to Him.  Yet, I wonder who and what do we give first place in our hearts...remembering that talk is cheap? To whom do I give my worship?  Do I recognize Him as "the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth"?  Can you just imagine a Loving Father that loves you so greatly that He never grows tired or weary...of us and fixing our messes?  Thank You, Loving Father for taking the absolute garbage of my life and making it fertilizer for good!   Isaiah 40:29 records that "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."  At times, I get weary and I am always weak of myself, hence the giving of the Indwelling Holy Spirit to empower me so I don't have to wallow in weariness and circumstances!  I receive Your strength for today, Holy Spirit of God.  Forever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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