Related image  As I was reading this morning in Isaiah, I came to a promise, which I know, but I can become a practicing atheist in application of the truth at times.  "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast (leans or props) because he trusts in You.  Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."  Isaiah 26:3-4.  Sometimes, when circumstances press hard, I am sadly appalled on what I have a tendency to lean.  I usually have to begin pushing aside all the trash heap of what I have tried to lean on and has already failed me : ability, intelligence, my own understanding, possessions, emotions, insecurities, other humans...can be an exhaustive list.

I wished that I could learn ONCE AND FOR ALL, but Father God has a way of allowing circumstances to reveal to me whether I have leaned that truth or not.  I focus on several words in the promise:  
  • keep:  guard, watch
  • steadfast: LEAN UPON
  • perfect peace: peace peace, the repetition shows intensity shalom shalom
  • trust" confidence
Who, by the way is keeping me?  YOU, reference to God Himself.  How I know who or what is keeping me is the peace I have or don't have! One would think at my age, I would know and have it learned well.  At times, He is my first line of offense, but with the length of the circumstance, I weary and might just get sloppy in my leaning and learning!      
I guess the Holy Spirit needs to put the truth, the promise, on the lowest shelf so that I can feed, ingest, and practice for today.  "Lord, I will not lean on my own understanding, I will acknowledge You
Proverbs 3:5-6.  I will  lean my mind on YOU for You are the Rock Eternal who does NOT move when the press comes my way and my confidence is in YOU."  I remind you, growing in the Lord is a process, no short-cuts, and talk is cheap!  Ever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS.


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