In the sixth chapter, Isaiah enters the temple for worship. He seems to be given a vision of sights and sounds (I have not experienced that phenomenon, but several of the prophets of Scripture have that ability.). Note what Isaiah sees:
The Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted. Several thoughts come to my mind for me to grasp and hang on to. The Lord seated....not pacing, wringing His hands, and not in a quandary about His course of action. He is authority and ruler. He is in control, regardless of what life feels like or look like! He can handle the affairs of my life!
His train filled the temple: The longer the train, the greater the authority and power. Reminder that He does not have to tuck in His train when He is working in my behalf. He can simply speak what is to be. No straining muscles and tired gluts. No energies are wasted in my behalf or yours.
The seraphim above Him and flying: The seraphim each have 6 wings. There are two wings to cover their eyes for His glorious brilliance is blinding plus covering their eyes, a sign of humility. Two wings are in movement signifying that they are in action serving Him and waiting for their next assignment. Another two wings to be in service to and for Him. Interesting thought, the angels of God have not experienced the wondrous gift of salvation and they humble themselves and are ready to serve Him. A reminder to this Christ follower!
At the sound of their voices: The seraphim are calling out with loud voices to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty". Three repeats in the Hebrew language signals great, greater, greatest...superlative. Certainly, He is Holiest of all that is holy. Isaiah's vision also has sound. It is such a thunderous sound that "the doorposts and thresholds shook". Again a reminder to this one, me, that my praises are vocal and must be expressed.
Isaiah's response to what he has seen and heard: He is confronted with who he is of himself, "Woe is me!" I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have see the King, the Lord Almighty (Jehovah Saboath)." A seraph flies to him an place a live hot coal to his mouth, and the seraph speaks to Isaiah, "See, this has touched your lips, your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." REMINDER: Our guilt and sin have been paid for by the Lord Jesus at Calvary. We have been acquitted! Price paid in full!
Isaiah is so receptive to the work of the angels and knowing his sin is forgiven, that when asked by the Lord, who He should send and who would go for us, he replies, "Here am I. Send me!" This is really Isaiah's call from the Lord and his surrender to do His will, to be His messenger to Judah and Israel. Granted that which He calls us to do may not be as impactful or dramatic, but He does give us an assignment. Will I have the eager heart of Isaiah, or will I bow my neck and refuse to obey? The answer is dependent on who is enthroned in your life and mine. Ever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS.
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