Image result for google clip art showing a courtroom        For now, I will be reading and camping out in Isaiah.  Isaiah's name means Salvation of the the Lord.  He was a prophet in Judah and God used him as His mouthpiece to speak and to influence four kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jothan, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.  His ministry began about 740 BC.  It seems that God always has a prophet, a woman or man that He chooses to be His message bearer to His people.  Our Lord desires to make known His Word, His Will, and His purpose to a people.  Presently, I am not seeing one specific person speaking for "such a time as this", rather, we are seeing and hearing many men of God speak.  As we listen, we must discern the message being aligned with the inerrant and infallible Word of God.  Methods change, but the message has already been settled in the Heavens. (Psalm 119:89).  As i worked through Isaiah 1, I thought, "Isaiah must have 2017 and the USA in view!"  

Isaiah opens the chapter as if it is a courtroom.  Jehovah seems to be the one who has been assaulted.  The earth and the heaven are called to testify what they have seen and heard of the rebellion of the people against Jehovah.  Earth and Heaven gives its evidence:  God has reared children.  They have rebelled against their parent.  Even the animals know who protects, provides, and shelters them, but Jerusalem and Judah are so steeped in rebellion that they are self-deceived and do not know or understand Jehovah.  More evidence is given: They are a sinful nation.  They are loaded with guilt of their sin.  They are a corrupt people.  They have loosened themselves from the stable and set moorings God has given.  They scorn the Word of God.  Rather than facing God in worship, the people have turned their backs toward the ONE who is Royalty, Majesty, Sovereign, Perfect Holiness, Prefect Righteousness, etc.  They seek the adoration of lesser gods.

Will we connect the dots?  What evidence have I personally given of standing for righteousness?  How have I shown that I choose to be obedient to the Word of God in my daily living?  Is there evidence that I have been faithful to disciple others and give the Word of Truth to them?  Have I spent time looking within at my inward woman to check out the hidden areas of the heart which bring self-conceit, self-deception, and self-delusion?  Am I obedient to intercede for our nation, our government, or those in authority over me?  Yes, North Korea, Syria, China....enemies to our nation, but our real enemy is the worship of self, what makes me happy, and what makes me comfortable.  Because we will not self-correct, we become adversarial to ourselves, relationships, and to our Father God.  2 Chronicles 7:14, God speaks to Solomon, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."  With all the sword-rattling going on, NOW is the time to humble ourselves and pray.   Forever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS.


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