I usually have a "saying" about some of the events of my life and when I eyeball what I perceive as a ruin or a mess, (hot or cold!) I have applied the truth of Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Of course ALL in HIS purview and timing. I have also given it a Graves translation: All of the messes of my life, which I refer to as a dung heap, GOD IS ABLE, to make fertilizer out of them for my spiritual good. In the process of His ability to make my messes into fertilizer, I can move to rejoicing for it is His pleasure that I know HIM. Making fertilizer is another long process, so I would prefer NOT to make messes and have ruins, but when I do, rather than grouse and complain, I cry out for mercy and grace and for Him to make fertilizer for a garden in my life and for it to benefit somebody to His glory! Ever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS.
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