Today, it is with sadness and celebration for the death and life of my eldest son whose birthday is today. A very ole hymn fragment comes to mind, "Where could I go, oh where could I go seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to help me to the end, where could I go but to the Lord? Please visit Psalm 86 with me.
This is a song, a prayer of David. What if our prayers were recorded for all posterity to see, to hear, or to get encouragement? In his depths of despair, or heights of joy and exaltation, or his prayers for deliverance of the straits he has endured or is enduring, the reader can identify at some point. This psalm is an emotional reminder that I flee to HIM. Note his emotions, his pleas, and his precious transparency. In this psalm, David uses several names for the Lord God: Jehovah (Eternal, Timeless, Self-Sufficient One), Lord, Adonai (Authority, Dominion and Power), and Elohim (Majestic, Peerless, Sustainer). David well understood who God IS, Was, and Forever Will Be. Note also that he has an understanding of who he is of himself: poor and needy, words which portray being destitute, bankrupt, and a beggar. Perhaps one may say, "What a poor self-concept he has!" The real truth seems to be that he is humble, understands who he is, and has a GREAT GREAT desperation for God's mercy and His grace to be on him. At this point, David is stressed and pressed. You and I have been there and have tee shirts, I am sure! Only the Lord, can be the solace for today's press, stress, heartache, or joy. It is always imperative that when I come before the Lord with whatever is going on in my life that I enter His presence with HUMILITY. I am mindful that the Lord knows the proud from afar!
In verses 11-13, David has two requests: Teach me YOUR way and Give me an undivided heart. The Holy Spirit is the One who teaches us, illumines the Word of God to us, and gives us understanding of God's Word. The next course of action, on my part, is to allow the Holy Spirit to empower me for obedience to what has been instructed. Like our Mother, Eve, we hear the Word, but our divided heart moves into rationalization and analyzing what has been spoken or read. Clarification is sometimes necessary, but arguing and debate move the will and heart into massive confusion.
David concludes the psalm with praises to Adonai and Elohim stating that HE is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love, and faithfulness. This would be time to simply make a list of how God has shown these attributes to you and me. In the very last verse, he asks for a sign of His goodness so that his enemies would be put to shame and he again gives praise to Jehovah for helping and comforting him. I LOVE the thought that our enemies (not flesh and blood, but the evil one and his minions) were put to shame and their weapons were removed at Calvary and the empty tomb...Colossians 2:15. So for today, Lord God, according to Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." May my grief , in my loss, be fruitful for the sake of the Lord Jesus and His kingdom! Ever learning! In process, still! #IHAVETHREESONS
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