Image result for clipart of a big eraserReading from Isaiah 43 and 44, I found two verses which are great reminders to those of us who seem to have a sensitive conscience:  "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."  Isa. 43:25 and Isaiah 44:22, "I have swept away your offenses
(transgressions) like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist.  Return to me, for I have redeemed you."  Here are my thoughts after digging around for the Hebrew of some words to allow the verses to be more personal. 

1.  Blots:  to stoke, or rub, wipe, abolish, erase.
2.  Transgressions:  pesha, rebellion especially refusal to respond to rightful authority.
3.  Remember:  mention, with intention will not remember.
4.  Sins: chattah: habitual sins.
5.  Swept away:  blot, abolish, wipe, erase.
6.  Redeemed:  to buy back(from a slave block). 

My Lord God has erased my rebellion for His sake...really mine, and will not intentionally recall to mind my rebellion.  (Rebellion is the sin which there is a stated law NOT to commit.)  My rebellion, like a thick cloud, has been wiped away.  Because He has wiped away my sins which is my habitual sinful nature, He commands that I return to Him for it is He who has purchased me back from the slave block of sin!  I have a new Master, Adonai, the One with authority.  These verses were written to sinful and rebellious Israel, but so very pertinent reminders for Calvary and its marvelous effects for you and me. We are blood covered and blood bought!  Forever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS. 



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