Image result for GOOGLE CLIP ART SHOWING THANKS  As most of you, we have some traditions which are reminders of sweet memories of our times together as family.  Every July 4th, some of our family gathers at a corner in our suburb so that we can watch the fireworks on display by surrounding burgs.  We usually enjoy eating David's Big Red ice cream and enjoy one another and the fireworks.  Tonight will be different, because David won't be there to save our place or to enjoy the Big Red ice cream.  However, it is with thanks  mixed with sadness, that I give to the Lord for allowing me to enjoy and to pray for David these 481/2 years. I run to Psalm 100 so that sadness and grief will not be my focus today!

Psalm 100 is another work of an anonymous author.  He opens the Psalm with commands, you IS understood:
  1. Everyone shout for joy to the Lord (Jehovah).
  2. Worship the Lord gladly.
  3. Come before Him (facing Him) with joyful songs.
  4. Know that Jehovah is Elohim (Majestic, Peerless, One who stands by His creation).
  5. NOTE:  We are not self-made men and women!  We have been made (fashioned) by Him.
  6. We belong to Him. As Christ followers, we have identity and it is not insecurity and inferiority.
  7. We are HIS people, technically all are His in that He created all of us, but I am His because He is my Savior and Lord. All, who have made the choice to receive HIM, experience salvation and deliverance.
  8. He knows as Shepherd (El Roeh), I am a sheep. Sheep are known to wander following their noses, head down at times, and intentional to satisfy their own needs and agenda.  Thank you for the rod of correction which you use to bring me back to Your purpose.  
  9. To enter His gates, I enter with THANKS for all He has done, for even the disappointments of what He chose to do differently that may have caused pain to my heart, and for the times of waiting on His timing.  
  10. When I enter with thankfulness, and I can begin to offer the praises of remembering all that He has done for me and in the lives of my loved ones. 
His last statement of truth:  We will enter His presence (facing Him suggesting intimacy) for HE is good (pleasant, agreeable, and excellent).   Note His other giving attributes of mercy, love, and His faithfulness.  They are inexhaustible and are continuous to all posterity.  These attributes are available to all, yet we who are knowing Him intimately experience His love, mercy, and faithfulness more fully.   For today, Thank You dear Promise Keeper for the joy of remembering.  Ever learning!  In process, even fumbling and stumbling at times!  #IHAVETHREESONS.   


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