Amos is the prophet during the reign of Jeroboam in Israel and Uzziah in Judah. Amos is the prophet to Israel at this time, 760 BC. He is a farmer and a sheep herder by profession, but God has raised him up to deliver His message to Israel. He also was given visions.
In chapter 7:1, Jehovah Adonai speaks to Amos. He saw the Lord standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb. He is holding a plumb line in His hand. The question that the Lord asks Amos, "What do you see, Amos?" In 2017, we have a most accurate tool which with laser ability can plumb level, horizontally and vertically. The Lord recounts to Amos that He is setting a plumb line among the people of Israel. Carpenters, builders, and others have used a plumb line for exactness of level for eons. Could the USA be out of plumb? Are we, as individuals, out of plumb, and are we so self-deceived that we may not recognize it?
There is a tool that you and I possess, more than likely in our homes...The Word of God. God's Word is settled in the heavens, sharp, alive, and will reveal to us when our lives are out of plumb, not in alignment with the Word of God. God's Word is the revealer of the thoughts and intents of our hearts and minds. Most of us know when our lives are not erect and are leaning far to the left or to the right. If we are Christ followers, we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit who speaks, "You are out of plumb in regard to____________." The Holy Spirit and the Word of God will always be in alignment to the Truth that God has already set forth. We are not ignorant, however we may be apathetic and self-deceived. Israel and Judah in 760 BC were guilty of pride, taking advantage of one another, pleasure and comfort seekers, and worshiping the gods of their hands and Jehovah. Hello 2017! Lord God, as Christ followers, give us hearts to be willing to hold the plumb line, your Word, along side our lives and reveal to us where we are out of plumb. May we be quick to confess, to repent, and to receive Your forgiveness and healing. Ever learning! In process! Desirous to be in plumb with Your Word. ##IHAVETHREESONS.
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