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I don't know the time lapse in the story between the chapters.  David has come to live with Saul and his son, Jonathan in 1 Samuel 18.  Jonathan and David are about the same ages and have become hard and fast buds.  Somehow, Jonathan knows and understands that David is to be crowned as king after the death of his father.  One would think that there would have been jealousy on Jonathan's part since he would have been the crown prince,  but there seems to be none apparent in the reading.  As David is given greater assignments by Saul, the more successful David becomes. As David becomes more successful, the more insecure Saul becomes. 
 Saul is so driven by his fear and pride that there is no mention of any admission of sin or evidence of an humble or contrite heart from him.I just betcha that the old guilty conscience is knocking at the door of his mind and heart remembering his choices to be rebellious when he was given explicit directions by Samuel. Guess who Saul sends to answer the door to guilt?  The raw and unbridled emotions of  envy, jealousy, and even attempts at murdering David. When self is seated so comfortably on the throne of a heart, one is susceptible to the wiles of the evil one.  Saul, who thought he was a victim by God and the loss of his kingdom becomes the victimizer. He must manipulate/control, compete/jealousy and envy, and compare/insecurity and inferiority.  Can you imagine spending about 20+years hating and pursuing someone because of fear and pride?  Chapters 19-31 are replete with Saul's attempts to pursue and kill David.  
Don't know for sure, but I wonder if my fear and pride are like the rogue cancer cell, which I do know about, that is rebellious and seeks to destroy its victim.Fear and pride become the strongholds where I can hunker down and be disobedient thinking I am hidden from view.  What a joke, and what a lie!  2 Corinthians 10:4-5, "For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (stongholds).  We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." Self must be dethroned and the Lord Jesus enthroned/in control in my mind, will, and emotions.  By the way, who is seated comfortably on the throne of your heart?  Forever learning.  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS         


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