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David has experienced great victories by conquering the surrounding nations.  Scripture records that "The Lord gave David victory wherever he went."  He has now been the reigning monarch for some 20 years.  Tragically, he now enters a period of his life that spirals downward morally.  It is a repeat of any life who allows power, possessions, and position to be the priorities of the personal life.  He can be in control of neighboring nations, but cannot and will not control the desires of his lust filled heart.  His logo, "I want it, and I want it now, no matter the price."

From his rooftop, He saw Bathsheba bathing.  He inquired as to her identity, which did not make any difference, because of his lust's demands.  He already had 6 wives and numerous concubines, what is another woman?  He impregnated her; he now must move to cover his sin by making some horrific choices to further complicate his life, his family, and his throne.  His pride plotted the murder of the husband, Uriah, who was one of his 30 valiant fighting men.  David was confronted by Nathan the prophet with the question, "Why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing this evil in His sight?" David was given the expense account of his sin from God.  The costs: The sword will never leave your house.  Evil was to come from your own household and wasn't going to occur covertly and by night, but was going to occur in daylight for all of Israel to see. 

I can rationalize and put several 2017 spin questions which have to be deduced without evidence:  Was Bathsheba a willing 
participant?  Was Uriah so focused on being a valiant warrior that he sacrificed his relationship with his wife? All may have shared some guilt, but the onus is on David, the one with the greater authority, greater influence, and greater audience.  Amazing, he was also the one who had the MOST to lose.  Luke 12:48 b, "...And from everyone who has been given much shall much be required; and to whom they entrusted much , of him they will ask all the more."  Sin always takes me further than I want to go.  It costs me more than I can afford to pay.  It is always plenteous in dividends!  I can declare:  It is not worth the pain sin causes and it not worth the damage I cause to myself and others in grieving the Holy Spirit of God!  Forever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS


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