From Judges forward, it has been like gloom, despair and agony on me in reading. I decided to break out of the traces and settle in on some good ole encouragement from the Lord. David's Psalms have always been a favorite of mine, so I decided to settle in Psalm 16 and only a few verses for this writing. I can't even fathom being on the run for twenty-five years from an enemy and find the time to write songs, Psalms, and poetry. How in the world did David get time to even journal? But then I also think of the Apostle Paul who spent most of his writing time in prison and often with someone (amanuensis) to write down his dictated words and thoughts. I applaud either man for even having the sense to put together a sentence under such stress! I am more than sure that having the empowered Holy Spirit to guide and guard the writings was a marvelous energy and motivation.
Psalm 16 is another of David's prayers to Jehovah as he is in difficulty. He is asking Jehovah to preserve (hedge him about) for he is going to take refuge in HIM. (Remember the evil one accused God of having a hedge about Job, his house, and all that he had? Job 1:8) He uses a more intimate word for Lord, in the term, Adonai. He declares to Jehovah, You are my Adonai. The personal One who has authority. HE is the faithful, trustworthy Master who is deserving of obedience. You and I have more than likely not had the pressure of someone after us, trying to murder us, but David is affirming to Jehovah, the I AM, that he takes refuge in HIM.
What might be some people, places, or things that you take refuge when it feels like the high winds are howling and swirling about you? He further expresses to Adonai that he has no good besides HIM. David has a understanding that he is frail, finite, and flawed of himself and that Adonai is the good in his life. David seems to have a very accurate understanding of who he is and WHO GOD is in his life. Do we have that understanding of who we are and WHO GOD is in our lives?
Tonight before you fall off in deep sleep, would you consider expressing to God your gratefulness for ALL the ways that HE has hedged you in and protected you? "I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me." Psalm 13:6 Yes, Dear One, HE deals bountifully with us! Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS
What might be some people, places, or things that you take refuge when it feels like the high winds are howling and swirling about you? He further expresses to Adonai that he has no good besides HIM. David has a understanding that he is frail, finite, and flawed of himself and that Adonai is the good in his life. David seems to have a very accurate understanding of who he is and WHO GOD is in his life. Do we have that understanding of who we are and WHO GOD is in our lives?
Tonight before you fall off in deep sleep, would you consider expressing to God your gratefulness for ALL the ways that HE has hedged you in and protected you? "I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me." Psalm 13:6 Yes, Dear One, HE deals bountifully with us! Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS
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