Image result for clipart of cause and effect Most of us have been taught cause and effect in our lives.  King David has seen the full blown tornadic effects of some of his choices, even though he had a heart for confession, repentance, and obedience to the Lord.  Because life happens and we do make poor choices at times as parents, there finally comes the time in which the cause and effect issue cannot be pressed if the child is an adult.  The onus is now on "the child" regardless of what he has or has not been taught.  The child has seen enough of life to know what is right and what is wrong for him/her.  Our role is now continued bombarding the heavens for them!

Entering 1 Kings in my reading, I find David is probably in his 70's and in ill health.  His fourth son, Adonijah decides that he will be king, although his father is still alive.  The author inserts an observation, "His father had never interfered with him by asking, "Why do you behave as you do?"  1 Kings 1:6.  I wonder if Adonijah tried to press cause and effect against his dad?   Even ole Joab, David's commander of his armies and Abiathar the priest give support to Adonijah's claim to be anointed as king. He throws a huge party with celebration and only Nathan the prophet, Solomon, and Benaiah are not invited. 

Nathan and Bathsheba are aware of Adonijah's activity, and must find out if David has spoken that Adonijah will follow David as king.  The information is given to David, and David declares that it is Solomon, the son of Bathsheba, that he has chosen to rule at his death.  Solomon is anointed.  Since the practice among kings was to murder all pretenders to the throne, Adonijah has asked King Solomon to swear that he will not kill him.  Solomon has agreed unless evil is found in Adonijah.  

  I am reminded how easy it is to blame ourselves and others when our "child" makes less than stellar choices.  The psalms are replete with David seeking forgiveness, admitting his sin, his iniquity, and his transgression.  David experienced God's "hesed",  lovingkindness, grace in the New Testament.  The same grace is available for us and "our children".  Bombard the heavens in their behalf.  Ever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS


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