In 1 Samuel 20:14-15, Jonathan asks David to show him and his house lovingkindness/grace when David comes to the throne. He knows that David may have to cut off other enemies to his rule, but he and David make a covenant to spare Jonathan's progeny.
David has long been anointed and crowned as king when he asks of his men if there is anyone left of the house of Saul that he can show kindness for Jonathan's sake. 2 Samuel 9:1. There is a son named Mephibosheth and he has a son named Mica. Mephibosheth comes before David and he is so humbled that he falls on his face to David, and David restores to him all the land that his grandfather Saul had possessed and he promises Mephibosheth that he will eat at his table regularly. Ziba is the servant to Mephibosheth and he is directed to cultivate the land of Saul and bring its produce to Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth is also lame from a fall as a very young child. David commits to his care of him.
We see David, at this time of his reign as being a man of integrity. David seems to have his mind, will, and emotions in check. He remembers his commitment made to Jonathan. To you and me, we have a promise from God in Proverbs 2:7, "He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity." The He is referring to the Lord. In a crush or a press of a circumstance, we best be alert, for the evil crouches and delights to ensnare us in a lie. From experience, I know one lie is NEVER just ONE morphs into deceit , deception, and pride flashing like a neon sign...all really self-deception! In later circumstances, we will find David gets sloppy spiritually, as he is trapped in a lie, and we will see how his pride will commit murder. We must know our propensities/weaknesses and keep them in check with the Holy Spirit of God. Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS
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