David has learned of the deaths of Saul and Jonathan in the reading of 2 Samuel 1.  We are told that he and his men tear their clothes, mourn, weep , and fast in their grief.  I have seen the tearing of clothing in Scripture by other Biblical characters, and I am curious about that custom.  I find that tearing the clothing is a public and powerful expression of mourning, grief, and loss.  It can be accompanied with other acts which suggest humility: shaving the head, throwing dust on oneself as reported in Job, and the wearing of the roughly woven sackcloth.  

David has been on the run for twenty-five years, and I think it interesting that the writer or writers, who may have been the prophets Nathan and or Gad, do not mention any other emotions except grief, distress, and love expressed by David in his song or poem that he speaks concerning the men.  At the beginning of chapter 2, David is anointed king over the house of Judah.  Twenty-five grueling years of running for his life!

 David is probably about the age of 40, and I wonder why God hasn't removed Saul from the scene and the pursuit of David years before?  Several thoughts come to mind which I can see and apply to my own life with questions always beginning with the words of why, when, and how.
  • How like God to show mercy and grace giving Saul opportunities to return to Him.  
  • David has much to learn about reigning as king, and God uses difficulties to shape David from trusting in his abilities to a willingness to believe and trust God.
  • Because God is sovereign, He has a plan and a purpose which seems to be long term in fruition.  The Lord Jesus will come out of the lineage of David.  
Isaiah 46:10b-11b: "...My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all MY good pleasure. ...Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass.  I have planned  it, surely I will do it."  It seems that God's transactions with me are the same as with David.  Of course, no king will come out of my lineage, but the wonderful and sometimes misunderstood fact which I tell myself daily, "MY FATHER KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING!"   I get to obey and trust Him or fret, stew, and be miserable.  Forever learning!  In process! #IHAVETHREESONS


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