As I was driving home from grocery shopping, the word, never, popped into my mind. In some cases, never is a for certain word which I can count on. Of course my never is now in thinking with fuller understanding that I will never again experience the presence of my first son in this earthy life. It has now been three months since I saw him for the very last time. He was so fragile and ill with tubes and machines keeping him alive. Of course, he was not conscious of all his loved ones singing, praying, and touching him declaring our love to him. Therefore, I certainly am glad to say that I will never see him again in that miserable condition.I am so glad that I am in my 70's because never will not be as long. Of course in Heaven, I don't know about relationships of spouse, son, father, daughter, mother, in-laws, and child. Another area in which I get to trust my loving Father.He did such an excellent job in Creation and putting us in family relationships that I am sure I can trust HIM to take care of our Heavenly relationships! But the sadness of never still hurts!
There are some positive nevers for which I am grateful.Our loving Father will never forsake us.Our salvation can never be taken from us. Father God will never fail us. In my heart of hearts, I vow I will never deny the Lord Jesus. I pray that I will never forget all the precious love relationships in my life! Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS
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