Image result for CLIP ART PROMISE   David's kingdom has been firmly established with the beginning of Chapter 7.  We see that he is living large and the Lord has given him "rest on every side from his enemies."  By way of Nathan, who will guide David, God makes a promise to David.  
  1. David will have a son to succeed him,
  2. His son would build a house for God's name.
  3. David's throne would be established forever.
  4. God will correct any of those who reign, but he will correct with His lovingkindness forever.
  5. David's dynasty would continue forever.
 Scripture records that David "went in and sat before the Lord."  Can't you just see it?  I can imagine David pulling a chair over and sitting down and talking with God in a face to face conversation. (I find that sat means that he sat back on his heels in a position of prayer. ) David shows great humility and reverence as he speaks with God.  He speaks with such intimacy to the LORD GOD as if friend to FRIEND.  He praises God for His greatness admitting that "there is none like Thee, and there is no God besides Thee."  He rehearses God's faithfulness in delivering Israel from Egypt.  Now he requests that God confirm His word forever and to do as He promised.  "And now, O Lord God, Thou art God, and Thy words are truth, and Thou hast promised this good thing to Thy servant." 2 Samuel 7:28 NAS.

Reading  2 Samuel, I will find that David's habit of praying will be repeated numerous times.  David seems to understand that he is frail and finite.  At this juncture of his reign, he has a spirit that is teachable and receptive to hear from God.  I love his question to God, "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that Thou hast brought me this far?"  

God's promise to David that his dynasty would have the right to rule is accomplished in the coming of the Lord Jesus to earth as an infant and ultimately with His second coming, He will assume the Throne to rule and reign.  Matthew 25:31.  Again, I am reminded of God's faithfulness to the promises that He has made in His Word.  "Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven, Thy faithfulness continues throughout all generations." Psalm 119:89-90   A PROMISE MADE; A PROMISE KEPT.  Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS


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