Image result for clip art of plate of the Bible and a knife and fork beside itJeremiah and God are conversing and Jeremiah speaks, "When Your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear Your name, O Lord God Almighty."  Jeremiah 15:18  As Jeremiah is giving God's message to arrogant and disobedient Judah, he doesn't have a rehearsed message.  It is a message "hot off the press" of God's mouth to Jeremiah's ears.  God has sent him to a people who refuse to hear the message.  He is ostracized and rebuffed by them numerous times.  Is it no wonder that he was called the "weeping prophet"?  He is a given a message of judgment, repentance, and grace which stubborn hearts choose not to hear.  

Out of obedience and his relationship with the Lord God Almighty, God's words to Jeremiah are ingested, digested, and brought forth to the people.  Because Jeremiah has the name of God on his character and behavior, HIS words are a joy and a delight to his heart.  

Each morning, am I willing to ingest and digest the Word of God?  Is this a part of my morning scheduling that I choose to spend time in God's Word?  How does the Word of God affect my mind, will, and emotions for the day?  I want a declaration as Jeremiah's...Lord God Almighty, I receive Your Word, I ingest and digest Your Word, and I choose to think and behave in accord with Your Word for today.  Ever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS.  


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