In verse 4, he intentionally chooses to REMEMBER even though he is pouring out his soul (mind, will, and emotions) to God in prayer. He REMEMBERS the festive times of going to the temple to praise and worship God. He asks himself two valid questions: Why am I downcast (depressed) and why do I feel like I am in tumult? He answers back to himself with an affirmative action: I will praise Him and I will put my hope in God. Further in verse 5, he again affirms, he will REMEMBER.
What is he willing to REMEMBER: God directs His love toward him in the day and at night, His song is with him...check out Zephaniah 3:17..."The Lord is your God is with you, , He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." The tenderness of a loving parent singing a lullaby to a restless child. David now again admits his feelings, even though stating that God is his Rock, he is wondering why that it seems God has forgotten him and then also having to hear the taunts of his enemies, "Where is your God?" I don't know about David's foes, but I do know about a foe that "crouches at the door" always whispering taunts..."not good enough", "If God loved you, He wouldn't", "you are always needy". Like David, we must REMEMBER and in verse 11, he again moves to an affirmative action which he has already stated in verse 5, "Put your hope (confidence) in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God."
How can I remember? By praying back to Him aloud a Scripture promise. Father, You said, "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need." Hebrews 4:16. Lord, I cry out to you for mercy and grace in this time of need. You are my Father and my God. In Psalms 119:89, You said that Your Word is forever settled in the heaven so I make my appeal to You. Thank you, Lord, for Your mercy and Your grace. Thank You that I am needy and desperate for You. Ever learning! In process, still. #IHAVETHREESONS!
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