Image result for CLIP ART OF WEDDING RINGSFor several weeks, I will be reading and mulling over my reads in Jeremiah, the prophet.  He followed the prophet Isaiah some 54 years later.  Jeremiah was a prophet to Judah.  By now, Israel had been taken captive by Assyria in 722 BC.  Judah had chosen the same wicked path of Israel by choosing to worship other gods committing spiritual adultery.  Jeremiah was the second great voice warning Judah not to walk this wicked road.

The Lord, by way of Jeremiah, reminds Judah how as a young bride she loved her groom, God, and was willing to follow Him.  He asks Jeremiah a question to ask the people, "Does a maiden forget her jewelry, a bride her wedding ornaments?  Yet my people have forgotten Me, days without number."  Jeremiah 2:32.

I recall some 50+ years ago receiving an engagement and wedding ring from a dear young man.  I wore it proudly for 31 years.  After his death, some four years, I chose to remarry, and I asked my "intended" if I could use the diamond from that ring and build around it.  I wore the ring some 15 years, and somehow the center diamond came out of the ring and was never found in all my searches.  Of course, it wasn't a rock size, so I put the ring in a case and have not worn it since.   I grieved over that loss of a  "wedding ornament".  I have not forgotten that I am married even without the ring on the finger. 

Yet, in my relationship with the Lord Jesus, do I ever choose to behave or think in such a way to suggest that I have forgotten my BRIDEGROOM?  Have I committed spiritual adultery by giving all of the activities of my life priority over or instead of Him? Oh Father, I desire to have that same joy and give You honor by boasting of my BRIDEGROOM and Your loving care of me.  Ever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS


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