Some thoughts which are NOT conclusive:
1. Boast/praise or to shine forth. Obviously, wisdom, strength, and riches are not as highly valued as we esteem them to be.
2. We can praise or boast about understanding and knowing the Lord God. That rather puts a kibosh on one's bragging. What is it that we can truly brag about of ourselves? Does my insight or intellect understand God? Oh me! Can the finite understand the INFINITE? Perhaps this is why the Psalmist reminds us that God is good and the Psalms are replete with the attributes of God. Here is hoping that "in process" counts. Another area that I am "in process", knowing Him. I am in the process of knowing Him by the practical and intimate experiencing of Him in my life and the lives of others. I can brag about His mercy and grace to allow me to be in process!
3. This ONE whom we are to understand and know is the LORD, JEHOVAH. HE is the self-contained One, self-sufficient One, Holy One, and Righteous One.
4. This ONE is able, powerful to exercise/fashion, make or accomplish: kindness/readiness to show grace and mercy, justice/HIS verdict,righteousness/rightness and moral virtue.
5. HE exercises these attributes to the ones who are willing to understand and know Him and we are the ones who will delight/please HIM by the understanding and knowing of HIM. Let's get our boast on! Ever learning! In process, still. #IHAVETHREESONS
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