Image result for CLIP ART OF SHORT TERM MEMORYAs an aging senior, I hear much about dementia and short-term memory.  I try to stay alert to some precautionary methods to delay short-term memory.  HOWEVER, there is an area in my heart and mind that I would love for there to be a very short-term the area of having a FORGIVING SPIRIT toward self and others. 

Presently, I am reading in Ezekiel 8.  The Spirit of God has transported Ezekiel to the temple where God had said that HE would dwell.  When Ezekiel comes into the temple, God points out the idols which are obviously present and then directs him into walled-off areas where idols are covertly and  secretively displayed.  There are the idols of the worship of the heavenly bodies, idols to the god of nature,  and idols to the images on the walls of animals.  I am taken aback at the mention of images and secret areas.  The worship is encouraged by the priests and the elders, who should have been the spiritual authorities over the people.  The worshipers have believed a lie:  God does not see us for he has forsaken us.  Rationale:  I can sin because God doesn't see or care. 

As I began to allow the Spirit to make application in my own heart,  where the Holy Spirit dwells, I asked myself, "Is there a secret place in my heart and mind that sin lurks, especially in my attitudes?"  Is age an immunity against some sin?  HA!  As I began to frisk an area, I again, took a closer look at forgiveness.  AHA!  That is an area that I get to continually yield to the Lord, the memory of being sinned against.   HE paid the ultimate price that I not be enslaved to sin, and the phrase comes to my mind,  since 1 Corinthians 13 teaches that Love keeps no accounts OF WRONGS, then I am moved to FORGIVENESS DOESN'T KEEP ACCOUNTS! Father, I need YOU to produce a short-term memory of wrongs I have committed (against myself and toward others) and wrongs that have been committed against me.  No scoring, no record keeping, no mentioning!  Thank YOU, Holy Spirit, I am trusting you for healing and for YOUR peace to prevail as I choose to be obedient.  Ever learning!  In process, STILL.  #IHAVETHREESONS!


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