Image result for google clip art showing ancient potter and his wheel    In Jeremiah 18, Jeremiah is told to go down to the potter's house and that God was going to give him a message.  I am always more inquisitive than the information given, and this time, especially about the potter and his work.  I ran over Google searches and several Scriptures and how precious that the information so fits what God has spoken and revealed in His Word.

Some thoughts and info after the digging around:
1.  2 Timothy 2:20-21 reminds us that God has created us as vessels of purpose, some of gold and silver and some of wood and clay.  Key Word: Purpose!  I just may not be formed of silver and gold...LOL!
2.  Silver and gold vessels were found only in the upper class society during Jeremiah's day.
3.  In Palestine, clay was abundant, cheap, and adaptable.  Most pots, dishes, jars, and bowls, items for practical every day use were of clay.
4.  Clay was dug up, brought home by the potter, all foreign objects of sticks and rocks were removed from the clay.  Once the potter began working with the clay, he may use some water and even some sand to make the clay more flexible to the pressure of his hands.  
5.  The wheel that he used was either a double wheel or a kick wheel that he managed with his foot....impressive control.
6.  After the vessel was shaped, it was taken off the wheel and was dried for several days depending on the humidity and the temperature.
7.  The vessel after curing several days was placed in a kiln, and usually there would be several pieces placed in the kiln also.
8.  The firing would take several days.  Once fired, the pottery may be indestructible.  Even broken, shards would remain.  Hence the reason so many fragments have been found in archaeological digs. (The fires that we endure may also cause us to strengthened and enduring.  Just a thought!)
9.  The potter in Hebrew is Yatser, the one who forms. The image of the potter seems to suggest that he has seen it in his mind's eye and know exactly its purpose and design. 
10.  Most potters were men of this time period. 
11.  God, as the Sovereign Potter, already had a purpose in mind for each of His creations, you and me, even down to our finite decorations! The potter in the story "shaped it as seemed best to him."  
12.  If the vessel became marred in his hands, the potter would form it again.  The Divine Potter well knows that we were first made in His image, but we were marred by the Fall, and once we come to Him as Savior and Lord, He begins the process of remaking and continuing to form us to the Image of the Lord Jesus.  
 13.  The potter's house was usually located outside of town because of the smoke of the kilns.  Note the Potter's field in Matthew 27:7...a garbage dump and was also the place of the sacrifice of children in the Valley of Hinnom in the Old Testament.  
 14.  No plan of God's will be thwarted ultimately, but my refusal to humble myself under His mighty hands (1 Peter 5:7) does invite the "removing of the stones and sticks (my stubborn choices?)" and I don't usually get to dictate how He chooses to do this, but His purpose is to cause me to once again become useful for His sake and for mine.  Ever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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