Image result for CLIP ART OF CHOICESI have chosen to move on to Daniel after weeks of Isaiah and Ezekiel.  Daniel was probably taken captive from Judah as a teen-ager. He also was probably a member of nobility. During his early years in Babylon, he has undergone a name change, Belteshazzar; he has been taught a new language; he has been taught their literature and history; and at the present, their food has been placed before him.  He has been thoroughly indoctrinated by their culture...but we will see some boundaries/non-negotiables that Daniel has set and we will see how he tactfully works through the challenges placed before him.

Scripture does not record what the "royal food" was and why Daniel "resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine".  

In all my years, I have not observed our nation and our people adopting such radical changes. As Christ followers, we have experienced great pressing and squeezing from the present culture which has been ramping up for at least 40 years.  Relativity is the theme and no longer is there a STANDARD for right or wrong.  The new standard is "how do I feel about it and how does it affect me?"  As Christ followers, it is past time for you and me to RESOLVE that the Word of God is the STANDARD and we refuse to compromise on ethics and morals!  We do not have to move into judgment, accusation, and arrogantly post on social media, but we do need to "speak the Truth in love and move to standing in faith."  I remind us that Isaiah 7:9b, in speaking to King Ahaz, "If you do not stand in faith, you will not stand at all."  What are your non-negotiables?  What I resolve not or resolve defines my character.  Ever learning!  Still in process!  #IHAVETHREESONS.  


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