
Image result for clip art showing rebellion  Several years ago when I was still in the classroom, I first began to hear the term, O.D.D. which is a behavioral disorder.  The term is Oppositional Defiance Disorder which is usually expressed by anger against authority and that is VERY SIMPLY defined for there a many other expressions of ODD. Today's blog is not about any explanation of ODD, but my intro to the book of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel is a priest-prophet who has been sent to the exiles from Judah in Babylon who are captive.  He too had been taken captive in 597 B.C. with the third assault against Jerusalem. He preaches among the people for 22 years.  The reading of Ezekiel, at least for me, is a head-scratcher because God gives to him so many visuals to speak to the people.  Ezekiel has been forewarned in chapters 2-3 with the mention of the word or a synonym of the word, REBELLION, some 10 times.  What an assignment!  God is giving Ezekiel who is basically a "street preacher" to speak HIS truth to a people who "are obstinate and stubborn" and who won't listen or they will fail to listen. In spite of his hearers, Ezekiel faithfully speaks the message that God has told him "to open his mouth and eat what I give you".  Basically, Ezekiel is to ingest and digest the MESSAGES for he is going to speak them repeatedly.

As best I know, I am not ODD, but as a creature who was affected by the "fall" of Adam and Eve in the Garden, I can be  rebellious, not overt, but covert in the heart and mind. Because of my choice to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I no longer choose that spirit to control me plus I HATE the pain which being obstinate and stubborn cause.  We all get to look into our inner attitudes and our expressions or behaviors and ask, " Hey, Self, is there any command that I, God, have spoken to you through My Word that you have ignored or refused to obey?" "I desire to do Your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart." Psalm 40:8  Holy Spirit of God, frisk and finger any area of my heart and mind that wants to go "rogue" against Your Word of Truth. Ever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS!   



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