King Shishak only came with 1,200 chariots and 60,000 horsemen! How is that for a presentation of power? He became so aggressive that he captured fortified cities of Judah and came as far as Jerusalem. God provided a prophet, Shemaiah, who came to Rehoboam and gave him God's take on Rehoboam's rebellious ways...."You have forsaken Me, so I also have forsaken you to Shishak". 2 Chronicles 12:4b. Rehoboam and the princes's response to the bad news...they humbled themselves! The Lord saw their humility, but knew their propensity to be rebellious. He did not destroy them, but he allowed Shishak to enslave them so that they could "learn the difference between My service and the service of the kingdom of the countries." Chapter 12 concludes with a statement concerning Rehoboam's reign, "And he did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the Lord."
From the myriad of Bible characters from whom we can learn or we will be taught...I have noticed that God is honored by a willingness to repent and this is a great expression of humility. For years, I considered that I was inferior and insecure. A wise pastor, my first husband, now deceased, told me, "Cheryl, face it, you are insecure and inferior!" Of course I was and am of myself...but in Christ Jesus, not so! The last few years, I have learned that these two expressions are really of pride...SELF conscious. I am learning when my old SELF conscious SELF rears its head, I am learning to ask myself, "Cheryl, what are you fearful of?" My reply: I fear being disregarded and overlooked as not important, useless. HELLO PRIDE! Old default mindset! I am learning and these are my words, "Lord, I humble myself under your mighty hand because You said that You resist the proud and give grace to the humble and LORD, I cry out for grace. I cast my cares, fears, anxieties, and distractions on YOU for YOU care for me. 1Peter 5:6-7. Let me assure you...I have to make this declaration repeatedly during a day, depending on my circumstance. Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS
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