Related image I come to my reading in 1 Kings 18.  I marvel at the obedience of Elijah.  He has been instructed to hide himself at Brook Cherith from Ahab and be fed by ravens; He is instructed to go to Zarepphath to live and be under the care of a poverty-stricken widow; He now is directed to go back to Ahab. He complies and no argument or response is given...He goes. It has now been three and 1/2 years since rain fell in Israel.  Ahab has looked for Elijah to kill him hoping the curse would be broken with his death.  Murder and persecution of the prophets are the m/o of Ahab and Jezebel, worshipers of the sky-god, Baal. 

Elijah confronts Ahab who pushes the blame of the troubles he is facing on Elijah.  Elijah is quick to reply that the trouble he is facing has been brought on by Ahab's choices to ignore the word of God and for his worship of the Baals.  Elijah throws out a dare:  Send and gather all Israel along with 450 prophets of Baal and we will come together at Mount Carmel.  We will sacrifice a bull and build an altar.  You will implore your gods to light the fire under the altar and I will call upon God.  Which ever god or God lights the fire, He is god.  Elijah turns from Ahab to address Israel with the question, "How long will you hesitate(Hebrew: hop, skip, or dance) between two opinions(Hebrew: divided sentiment)?"

In this culture,in which God has placed you and me, if we are Christ followers, "for such a time as this" (words to Esther from her uncle), we are commanded today, to choose who we will serve.  Will we serve the gods of this world's system whose heart is to kill, steal, and destroy us by our hopping, skipping, or dancing between gods and Godliness? Or will we choose as the Psalmist "Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble." 119:165  May we have the heart of Elijah, a prayer warrior, and an obedient heart to align our lives to the Truths of the Word of God. Ever learning!  In process, still! #IHAVETHREESONS    


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