Image result for CLIP ART OF CHILD HAVING A TANTRUM    As adults,  our tantrums may not look like this little guy, but oh, me, have I seen in my attitude and  actions, the same negative bratty energy being shown here and it may not have been as a child!  Of course, the enormity and AFTER EFFECTS of the tantrum always depend on the audience; the subject of why I might choose to have a tantrum; and at whom I am directing my scorn!  As adults, more than likely, our tantrums will be evidenced in our attitudes, quietly angry, but nevertheless, the effects are a grieved Holy Spirit until confession and repentance occur in our hearts.  

I Kings 21, King Ahab wants a piece of property that belongs to Naboth.  He requests to be given Naboth's property or states that he will purchase it from Naboth.  Because the land is an inheritance from Naboth's family, he refuses the sale or the gift.  I can see in verse 4 the little caricature above, for Ahab is "sullen and vexed".  Jezebel, being the dutiful and deceitful wife, decides a plan to entrap Naboth and take the land. Naboth is stoned by the crowd as one who cursed God and the king, Ahab.  Enter the prophet Elijah again...it seems, he always gets selected for the most dangerous assignments!  Elijah gives Ahab the directive from the Lord and it isn't a bunch of pretty words!  Ahab is scared spitless and he tears his clothes, puts on sackcloth, fasts, and "went about despondently"  God's final words to him, verse 29 b, "Because he has humbled himself before Me, I will not bring the evil in his days, but I will bring the evil upon his house in his son's days."   

More than likely, our tantrums have not resulted in the loss of lives, but I have witnessed the collateral damage of angry words given and received. It is usually such a mess and the sweeping-up can take years to mend a relationship.  I am being reminded to check out my "I gotta" have before, rather than see the hot mess after the fact.  Jesus' very words in Matthew 6:33 a, "But see first His kingdom and His righteous...." Ever learning!  In process! #IHAVETHREESONS


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