I confess, there have been times that I wanted to run from..like the psalmist says in Psalm 55:6-8, "I said, 'Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest..I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm." There have been several times in my life, I have run to that verse and repeated it in my mind. From experience, I can tell you that the shelter, the place of rest, is safely running TO HIM, stopping my run, and allow HIM to gather me in HIS arms and hold me. I hear the voice of my Lord in Joel 2:13b, "Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and HE relents from sending calamity."
Finally, I saw the puppy give up and then the girl gathered the pooped-out pup in her arms, and hold on tightly to him. I hollered at them, "So glad that you won!" In your calamity, your pain, or even your fun and games, I encourage you to RUN to HIM. HE has a purpose and a plan for your life, and I am living proof that you won't die from any difficulties you face....unless you run FROM HIM. FYI: Do not follow the cues of your flesh! Return to HIM. Forever learning! In process, still! #IHAVETHREESONS
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