Image result for GOOGLE CLIP ART OF HANDKERCHIEFS I continue reading through 2 Chronicles for my daily read for now.  I move from Jehoshaphat who was a godly king of Judah to his first born son, Joram or Jehoram.  His physical DNA, his 23 pair of chromosomes from his forebears, determined his looks, his health, his height, intellect, etc.  Oh my goodness, his "spiritual DNA" was lacking for sure.  Surely he had an environment of spiritual healthiness from his father? I wonder why he chose to walk in opposition to his father's commitment to the Lord. As I read of Jehoram, I was pained to see how short his life was and it was covered in one chapter of the book.  There is no "DNA spiritually" that can be passed genetically from parents to a child.  Our "spiritual DNA" must be chosen by the individual when the Holy Spirit presents the opportunity to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.  I make the choice to receive or to reject that invitation....regardless of godly or ungodly parents.  Of course a caring, loving, and spiritually healthy environment can be effective in the choice and the growth of the individual.  

Jehoshaphat had given the kingdom to Jehoram and had given each of his sons many gifts and even fortified cities thrown in as a bonus.  After his death, Jehoram became king and murdered all his brothers.  God sent Elijah the prophet to correct him, and undoubtedly, he resisted the message and the warning.  After only 8 years of reigning and being 40 years of age, he died a horrid death of disease.  Very intriguing and sad comment made in 2 Chronicles 21:20 about his death, "and he departed with no one's regret and they buried him in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings."  

I know that modeling is uppermost in growing our children in the Lord, but I CANNOT ASSUME that the child will make That specific choice based on my choice to be a Christ follower.  May we ever be so alert and faithful to living, speaking, and modeling the Lord Jesus to the generation coming after us without duplicity and hypocrisy on our part.  Forever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS   


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