What "They" Don't Tell You!

It is truly interesting and frightening what is assumed about Medicare!  Being a retired teacher, I can't have Dick's social security and my retirement.  I have to go back to Social Security to sign up for part B and to top it all off, I have never been given a card even and am on Dick's Medicare care number.  I could not sign up for B since I was employed by BISD until June 5.  Now I must get signed up post haste so I can get my retirement check in September.  Do you think the government will move that fast?  Well, HERE I am again, Lord for the zillionth time bombarding Your throne and trusting You to move government in my behalf.  I will stand in line Monday morning with some other hopefuls at Social Security. Thank you Father that according to Ephesians 1:21, "You are above all rule and authority and power and dominion and above every name that is named in this age but also in the one to come."  Duh ta duh duh..drum roll for HIS MAJESTY, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! Thank you Sovereign God.


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