Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37 is one of my favs.  As I look at an opportunity before me, I hear that this group is dead.  I have quickly run to this chapter to hear the Spirit of God speak.  

Ezekiel sat in the valley and looked about himself, and all he saw was bones.  Interesting that the Spirit of God asked Ezekiel if these bones could live.  As I think about where I am going to be today, and hearing of the group of dead bones, I hear the Spirit of God, asking me, "Can these bones live?"  My reply is the same as Ezekiel, "O Lord God you know." Right now as I am praying in my War Room, I bring this group to you, the only way that this group can live is if YOU breathe Spirit life into them.  

Tragically deadness comes slowly, much like the frog in the water that is heating...alive and then as the water heats up, death comes.  The cares of this world cause deadness.  First glancing at cares, then gazing at cares, and then focus on them rather than then fixing our eyes on Jesus who is greater than all the cares which come our way.  Apathy and weariness are two other culprits which cause deadness.  Weariness from 60-70 hour work weeks with little break and trying to produce that which has been set as a quota.  Apathy sets in from the weariness of it all and silently screams, "I'm done!  I already know it all so there is nothing new to learn, besides it is hopeless."  

"Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live."   I am trusting YOU, HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to breathe on these.


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