The LORD, My Magen (Shield-Bearer)

About 49 times in the Old Testament, the LORD is called a shield or my shield. The Hebrew word that is used is magan.   In checking out the term, I find that there are five words in the Old and New Testament used for shield: javelin, magen, buckler/tsinnah, shelet, and thureos.  Interestingly enough, in about 40 of these instances, when the Lord is called a shield or my shield, the term is buckler and can be shield-bearer.  The magen is caried by the archers.  They are usually constructed of wood and are overlaid with leather.  The oil is a preservative on the leather, plus the oil is possibly able to extinguish the fiery darts and arrows.  

I Samuel 14, Jonathan, the son of King Saul, had an armor- bearer,  and in 1 Samuel 17:7,  one who carried Goliath's shield was a shield-bearer. In each case, Jonathan nor Goliath carried his own armor or weapon, it was carried by this one who went before each of them.  The armor-bearer was willing to sacrifice himself to protect his leader.  The Lord is truly our Shield.  He is our Protection/Protector.  He goes before us and accompanies us in spiritual warfare even having an armor fit for us personally (Ephesians 6: 11-18).  He is truly self-sacrificing giving HIS all for our sake at Calvary.  



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