Reading Leviticus 5-7 about the sacrifices, I again am so very grateful that I don't have to drag a goat, a lamb, ram, bull, or birds to "atone" pay for my sins when I go to church.  Imagine the role of the priest, he had to kill the animal and then sprinkle the blood in designated places.  As I read these chapters, I easily recall many of the hymns celebrating the blood of Jesus and its efficacy for my sin.  Read with me, Hebrews 9:12, "He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but He entered the Most Holy Place ONCE AND FOR ALL by HIS own blood, having obtained eternal redemption."  Hallelujah,  another reminder of the security of the believer in salvation and the power of the blood shed in your behalf and mine.  

Rejoice with me...there is no other sacrifice that can or will be offered for our sin, past, present, or future.  As a Christ follower, I will not  allow the spirit of presumption to prevail. I will sin, more than likely as flesh, yet the Holy Spirit reminds me, convicts my heart and conscience, and I am drawn to repentance and confession. His response: "FORGIVEN!"  The Lord Jesus paid the final perfect price with His own blood that could redeem me, justify me, cleanse me, and place His righteousness into my bankrupt spiritual account...true of every Christ follower who is willing to trust in Him for salvation. "O the blood of Jesus that makes me white as snow."  No condemnation. Forever learning.  In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.     


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