Throughout the song, Moses uses several expressions for the word, LORD: JEHOVAH, JA, EL, ELOHIM. GOD has shown HIMSELF as strength(OZ) force, security, majesty and power, Song (zimraih) praise, and salvation (Y shuwah) deliverance.
The song is a praise for GOD being our strength for battle. HE is our praise in victory. God is our salvation always. God is our MIGHTY WARRIOR, CAPTAIN of the Heavenly Hosts, who fought for Moses, and fought and won the victory for you and me on Calvary. HE is so awesome in glory that HE is one and nothing compares to HIM. He is majestic in holiness and works wonders. Several verses of Moses' song of praise is repeated in Revelation 15:3-4.
As your day has begun, will you consider that You are a victor because HE has already fought your foes and has won the battle. My role, Your role is to be obedient to the directives HE has given in HIS Word, and to praise. FATHER, for today, I agree that YOU are SOVEREIGN VICTOR and YOU know exactly what YOU are doing to conform me to conform us to the image of YOUR DEAR SON, JESUS. Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.
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