In James 1:19, he reminds, "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry; for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."
In our culture today, their is such negative anger expressed in much of the media and the social media. It seems like "feelings" have been become fact and reality. Truth does not seem to be the standard, but rather, how one "feels" about a subject or an object. Truth has been bought and sold on the whims of greed and what accommodates one the best. I especially view it among the younger generations...and they do have validity in their anger, but have not chosen or do not know how to express it appropriately. Have we elders, older than 20-30 years old, modeled anger healthily? Hollering, screaming, cussing, and throwing hits and fits are proving to be the most deadly and ineffective ways to express the fears which usually motivate anger. Those expressions of anger leave ungodly collateral damage that is almost irreparable to the healing process.
I wonder, are we slow to speak? What are some of our thoughts as we hear anger expressed? What is the anger really about? Am I quick to listen or do I get bogged down into my defensive replies and do not listen to what is being said? As a Christ follower, we must alert our hearts and our minds to the real culprit, the evil one, who chooses to kill, steal, and destroy each of us. (John 10:10) It is his scheme to keep hearts and minds BOUND IN ANGER AND UNFORGIVENESS hindering our productivity for the Kingdom of the Lord and hindering our spiritual growth. Father God cause our ears to hear, our mouths to speak, and our thoughts to be aligned to the Truth of Your Word of TRUTH. Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.
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