Peter, the bold, while no one is pressing, immediately speaks, "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will." Jesus presses in closer to Peter's declaration, and Peter further commits that even if he should have to die with Jesus that he would never disown Him...the other disciples agree saying the same thing.
I have so been like Peter...not cognizant of his inner man and its frailties. Believe it or not, some of us are not always in "contact" with ourselves. We are people of action and we move on without always checking to see how we "feel" about something. Those of us who identify can be accused of being non-emotional when really we are emotional and feel very deeply yet, we move ahead because of what we think has to be done and maybe denying the difficulty or the pain that is prevalent. We do not always ascertain events with an emotion as a first response. Of course, this is NOT always true, but very often. The curse of this emotional stance is the "feeling" will come and then the guilt comes also with the questions: "Why did I think that?" "Why didn't I do something about?" Our processing of some events come more slowly at times because we are apt to hold our emotions until we can sort it all out. Goodness, then it all falls in and all over!
You can imagine that when the full betrayal, trial, and crucifixion takes place, Ole Pete has come full face with his "I never will!" It is so imperative that we are aware of our inner man with its strengths and weaknesses. In most cases, our strength can also be a glaring weakness at times. Even more so, when the Word comes from the Lord who knows me so intimately...I best pay attention rather than move to defensive denials. How grateful I am to the Lord that HE well knows me and knows my insecure and fearful propensities, yet He is so willing to love and receive me.
Later in Acts, we view an energized Peter, full of the Spirit of God as he stands with courage. Finally, we view Peter as an author and a pace-setter in the movement and growth of the early church. Aren't you glad that God uses the frail, floundering, and one who may or may not be in "contact" with himself/herself? No one is perfect, but HIM ALONE, WHO IS ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH THE LIKES OF YOU AND ME! Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.
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