Image result for CLIPART SHOWING KNOWLEDGE    In reading the Bible, chronologically, the author of the program combines several chapters, like the gospels of Matthew-John, because the incidents are often replicated with a few more or a few less details.

 Today in reading of chapters 2-4 of John, I again, am halted by incidents, phrases, or sentences that grab my attention and cause some mulling (thinking about).  Jesus is in Jerusalem for the Passover Feast and many people have seen the miraculous works/signs that He has done.  As a result, many people "believed in His name."  Remember that John often uses the term, signs, because the miracles are "sign-posts" pointing to the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, the promised and long awaited Messiah.  The sentence which has caught my attention, "But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men.  He did not need man's testimony about man, for He knew what was in a man." John 2:24-25.

The word, know, ginosko, was used by the Jewish writers to suggest the intimate relationship of the sexual union between a man and a woman. The term always suggest intimate knowledge/knowing and understanding.  Certainly HE knows us intimately, and we are always in process of knowing HIM and about HIM, yet our knowing will ALWAYS be finite...HIS infinite!  

I certainly am not surprised that Jesus who was so active in Creation with Father God and the Holy Spirit  would have intimate hands-on knowledge of man. The Trinity was active in our creation for THEY chose to make us in THEIR image.  We are loved with a perfect heart and yet He knows that we are fragile, flawed, and so very finite.  Psalm 139 reminds us that before a thought comes into our minds that He already knows and knows the response we will make.  Of course, He would also know how desperately evil we are of ourselves and that we needed a Savior.  Hence, John could record by way of the Holy Spirit, "He knew all men."

Thank You, Blessed Trinity that I am fully known by You and fully loved by You and You are not surprised by my "flesh propensities to sin".  Colossians 1:14 says that I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.  Colossians 1:22 reminds me that I am blameless and beyond reproach.  Colossians 2:10 declares that I am complete in Christ.  Praises to our Father God, who knows ALL.  Forever learning! In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS.  


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