Image result for clip art showing salt  Presently, I am reading in Matthew 17 and Mark 9.  These two chapters chronicle many of the same events, so the chronological program that I am reading includes these two together. I am always taken by comments that seem so casually spoken and may not have significant import, and yet they do.  For instance, "Everyone will be salted with fire.  Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness , how can you make it salty again?  Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other."  Mark 9:49-50 

Eons before refrigeration, salt was used as a preservative.  The Roman soldier had to purchase salt to place on his rations for preservation, and the cost of the salt was taken from his salary.  The Latin word for salt is sal, hence the English word, salary.  Salt was the symbol of lasting agreement and it was used to ratify a compact between parties. It was also emblematic of purity. 

Every sacrifice that was offered in worship was salted, and then the sacrifice was placed on the fire. Fire, in this context of which Jesus was speaking, is self-denial, sacrifice, trials, and the removal of offenses.  We do understand that Jesus has already reminded us that in this world, we will have tribulations.  This is another reminder that our lives will be salted with the fire to preserve us and to purify us burning off all putrefying dross which hinders us in spiritual growth.  The 'fire" can be the convictions of the Holy Spirit,  actual brokenness and pain we suffer because of our sin, or brokenness so that "more fruit" can be produced from our lives.  We will experience the fire so that we will not loose our saltiness flavoring Jesus and His righteousness to the world in which we have been called to have dominion and to affect making a difference for the sake of Christ and His kingdom.  Forever learning.  In process sometimes in and through the fire.  #IHAVETHREESONS.    


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