Image result for CLIP ART SHOWING INTRUDERSIt was too interesting as I read Matthew 11:12 today.  Jesus has been praising John the Baptist (Baptizer) who was a prophet and the  "Elijah" who was to come to earth.  He was to be the "Elijah" preparing the kingdom for the coming of the Lord Jesus.  As I read verse 12, I pondered for sure and grabbed some commentarial comments for a fuller understanding.  "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men will lay hold of it."

The comments were varied and I am going to list some of my thoughts as I read:
1. The reason the word forcefully advancing is used also the word, violent, is the action of a person being quickened, coming alive, who has been steeped and dead in sin. That is certainly a transaction! 
2.  Salvation is really a "death to self life" and death fights hard against losing control of the self.
3.  One commentator suggested that the forceful men were sinners, Gentiles, all of those who were considered unclean, or INTRUDERS to take the kingdom.
4.  As intruders, we interrupted the hold of the religious and eagerly and enthusiastically sought to seize the kingdom of God for inclusion and for life.
5.  Remember who all thronged about Jesus and John the Baptizer...few of those who were considered "acceptable" by the religious culture of that day. Certainly intruders! 
6.  Don't know about you, but I can shout praises to Father God for HIS pursuing this intruder and allowing me to participate with others in taking the kingdom by force. 7.  Now to daily...hourly...minutely remind Cheryl Graves that she is alive to Christ Jesus and DEAD to sin and self!

Rejoice fellow Intruder!  Ever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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