Image result for CLIP ART OF WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU? Jesus, His disciples, and a larger crowd are leaving Jericho.  A blind beggar is seated by the side of the road.  He has heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, and he shouts  out to Jesus and the crowd, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"  He has spoken a full sentence of theology!  Even when he is told to be quiet, he shouts louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"  (In Mark 10, the blind man is called Bartimaeus, and in the record of Luke 18, he is not named.)  Jesus speaks to those with Him to "Call him".  They, the disciples or the crowd, call back to him, "He's calling you."  Note his actions, he throws his cloak aside, jumps to his feet, and came to Him.  Being the astute and All-Knowing God-Man, Jesus inquires, "What do you want me to do for you?"  His reply, "Rabbi, I want to see."  Then, Jesus directs him to go for his faith has healed him.  Bartimaeus is given his sight and follows Jesus as He is traveling.  

I am sure that you had some observations as you read the account and I will list a few, hopefully, for a "takeaway" as I am moving about today.
1.  Even though my Father has all perfect knowing, I must be willing to humble myself in asking and be specific in my requests/praying.  
2.  I note that Bartimaeus was tenacious...he did not timidly call out to Jesus, he shouted twice and seemed to be desperate in his shouting.
3.  Bartimaeus was not intimidated by the crowd or disciples who were sighted.  It was "easy" for them to attempt to shush him...they did not have his need.
4.  I note that he "threw aside" his most treasured item, his cloak.  A cloak was a precious possession for anyone, but especially one who made his living by begging.  What precious treasure have I, have you, thrown aside, treated as secondary to make a request, PRAY to Jesus, or to be in obedience?
5.  When I pray, am I very SPECIFIC in asking?  
6.  When I pray, am I trusting in God, ALONE, as my Provision and Sufficiency?  
7.  I do not know if Bartimaeus was healed spiritually by the transaction of physical healing, but the Record says that he followed Jesus along the road.  It seems to me that if he followed he would have more of an opportunity to see, to hear, and to receive faith to be saved.  
8.  As I enter into my time of prayer, the question comes, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU?  I also understand that the reply can come immediately, later, and always when HE best knows to release the request.  Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS



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