Several years ago when Tommy Teague was our pastor at our church, he used an Advent wreath with 3 purple candles, 1 pink candle, and 1 larger white candle. I don't recall the Sunday, but a purple candle was lit and the procedure continued until the week of Christmas, the large white candle was lit. By then, all the candles were lit. It was a mystery to me, and I wanted to know. Then, a teacher friend of mine, posted her Advent wreath on Facebook. Finally, I made my own Advent wreath after some Googling. There is no "rule" about the color of the candles. In Googling Advent wreaths, I found that several colors and even all white was used. On December 3, the first candle is lit and it symbolizes hope . On the 10th, the second candle is also lit and it symbolizes peace . On the 17th the third candle, a different color, pink in my case, is also lit and it symbolizes joy . On the 24th, the fourth candle is lit and it symbolizes love . On...