Image result for CLIP ART SHOWING TIMEI am the consummate "Let's get it done" individual.  I do not like the red lights at Denton Highway and Tarrant Parkway...too long.  The red lights at 820 and Boulevard 26 can be a pain and the red light at Boulevard 26 and Vance Road...ugh!  One would think the whole town of Fort Worth was coming down the highway with the length of the north-south light.  I guess you get it that I have a slight tendency to be impatient with waiting.  Pregnancy was a was the waiting for the baby to make his appearance, and usually not on his due date!  Yes, I know that "haste makes waste" and impatience can be problematic! Refusing to fret and stew, I decided to rest in reading Psalm 119. 

I kept seeing the phrase, "according to Your word" and "promise".  After I had seen the two 18 times, I decided I best pay attention. I decided to list the 18 times for you to peruse just in case you are impatient and wondering when, Lord?
Verse 9:  By living according to Your word, v. 25 You will preserve my life according to Your word, v.28  You will strengthen me according to Your word, v. 37  You will fulfill your promise to me that I might fear you, v. 50  Your comfort in my suffering is that Your promise preserves my life, v. 58  You will be gracious to me according to Your word, v. 65  You will do good to me according to Your word, v. 75 Your unfailing love is my comfort according to Your word, v. 82  I am looking for Your promise to comfort me, v. 107  I have suffered much.  preserve my life according to Your word, v. 116  Sustain me according to Your promise, v. 123  I am looking for Your salvation and Your righteous promise, v. 122 Direct my footsteps according to Your word, , v. 140  Your promises have been thoroughly tested and I love them, v. 154  You defend my cause and redeem me, preserve my life according to Your promise, v. 162  I rejoice in Your promises like one who has found great spoil (treasure) and v. 169  Give me understanding according to Your word.  I encourage you to read these aloud for your own encouragement and Holy Spirit recall.

 "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."    2 Peter 3:9  God's time schedule is rarely not mine, yet because He said so and He cannot lie, HE WILL ACCOMPLISH!  Ever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS 



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