Related image    Hey Folk, there is enough going on in and around us that it is long past time of dragging around the "blankie, passie, and Teddy bear". IT IS TIME to move to the battle position of bombarding the heavens for God to intervene. Yes, I understand that we could be experiencing the "birth pains" of His coming again quickly approaching.  This is no time for comfort, ease, and apathy.  It is time to pray and believe that God can and God will move in the affairs of our lives. The disciples asked the Lord Jesus to teach them to pray.  I am not talking about rocket science, but opening of the heart and crying out to the Lord God. We have no other resources to call upon..."fake news" if you think money, government, your 401 K or any human effort can solve the world or family ills!  Check out the media if you are in a quandary about the affairs and events going on in our world.  For heaven's sake, check out your own family.  Note the frustration, the disappointments, the pains, the stresses financially, the stresses of disease robbing us of loved ones, the breakdown of families and relationships...visible clues that you and I must make prayer a priority and tend to fighting the good fight of faith. Our fight is NOT flesh and blood...Ephesians 6.  Even more importantly, people dying without any knowledge of the Lord Jesus.  As Christ followers, we CANNOT CONTINUE TO SET COMFORT AND PLEASURE AS PRIORITY and hold our teddies, passies and blankies and be ignorant of the events pressing against us.  

 In Luke 11 and Luke 18 our Lord gives parables about you and me being persistent in prayer and not being weary.  Weariness is fearfully the strategy that the evil one uses to steer us away from praying. Too tired, too busy, too sleepy, fill in the phrase.  Weariness from trying to live out our frantic schedules of events that we have chosen to involve ourselves and our family.  It looks great on paper with the planning, but I wonder, is there not sometime that we don't need to prioritize what IS REALLY IMPORTANT...DO WE EVEN TAKE OUR THOUGHTS BEFORE the LORD GOD AND THEN PLAN?  

This week has been heavy with the cries of the hurting from the hurricanes, the earthquakes, from health concerns, from deaths from disease, from threats of bloody nuclear warfare, and the list continues.  My response:  "My eyes are on You, Lord God, I don't know what to do, but I do know that 'I will humble myself under YOUR mighty hand for YOU are sovereign, YOU are in control, and YOU love me.  I will cast/confess ALL my cares on YOU.  I cannot bear them alone.  YOU are God who is able (powerful) to accomplish exceedingly and abundantly above all that I ask or imagine according to the power that works within me."  

Grab your gear from Ephesians 6 and put on the whole armor and God and bombard the heavens for His glory, the kingdom's sake, and your benefit.  The fight is on!  Forever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS 


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