Luke introduces Zechariah, who was an elderly priest. It was his day to serve in the temple and burn incense to the Lord. Worshipers were outside the area where Zechariah was fulfilling his duties and they were praying. An angel appeared to Zechariah...Scripture recorded that Zechariah was started and gripped with fear. I bet that was an understatement! How he knew he was an angel, I have no clue. He spoke to Zechariah seeking to calm his heart and to hear the message that was given to him by God to speak to Zechariah. He was given the wonderful promises of son, a child for whom he and his wife, Elizabeth had longed. This son would be a joy, a delight, great in the sight of the Lord, never to drink any fermented drink, and would be filled with the Spirit of God from birth. The son would have the power of Elijah and would be used to turn hearts back to God. God would use him to prepare the way for the Lord.
Such glorious promises and truly much information for Zechariah to take in when he is elderly, and his wife has been considered barren for decades. Zechariah's reply: unbelief. The angel identifies himself as Gabriel who stands in the presence of God and that he has been sent to give him the good news. "And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time."
My mullings: Undoubtedly unbelief is a great offense against the Lord God. Could it be that in Zechariah's inability to believe what the angel had reported was actually an unwillingness to believe/trust God's promise to him and Elizabeth? Those of us who have walked longer as Christ followers and have experienced the faithfulness of God, are we akin to Zechariah in walking out the truth and promises of God? Does the Lord have a stronger reproof for us who are older in the Lord...not chronological years, but in years of salvation? What good news have we not been willing to receive and believe? I don't know of any who have been struck with silence for correction or discipline of unbelief, but are there times that we feel the brokenness in our time with God...has HE become silent until we are willing to confess our sin of unbelief? Unbelief seems to surround itself with deafness to hear God speak, a calloused heart from anger and disappointment, and a victim mindset of feeling "mistreated by God" and "I don't deserve this!" How many prayers has God held in abeyance because of my unbelief? Just mulling with you. Forever learning.In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.
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