Allow me to give some definition to what might be a fire walk. I consider my fire walks to be a burning off of all that does not look like Christ in me. It usually involves a testing of my faith (loss of job, loss of a loved one, financial setbacks, divorce, betrayal...endless list)...will I trust Father God and His promises, or will I trust in the whole mind in gear with vain imaginations plotting and planning my will and my way? Fire walks should bring brokenness, a teachable spirit, humility, and a willingness to submit to whatever God is doing in our lives. I readily confess that this activity is usually a process in duration...rarely short or quick! I usually go ahead and admit that I am not happy about the discomfort, pain, disappointment, or the brokenness I am experiencing, and this is NO surprise to Father, yet God reminds me that He is in control and that HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING....with our without my approval! He also reminds me that HE is JEHOVAH SHAMMAH....THE GOD WHO IS THERE....HERE WHERE I AM HURTING. Am I willing to trust Him to bring good out of what the evil one intended to discourage, destroy, and steal from me? Like you, I am not a stranger to death, loses, and some major disappointments, but are we willing to believe that God is ABLE to take all the REFUSE of our lives and use it for good fertilizer in our lives and the lives of others? 1 Timothy 6:12: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." Forever learning! Fighting the good fight in process! #IHAVETHREESONS.
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