Father, I will make a joyful noise to You, and all the earth will join in. I serve you, Lord, with gladness! I enter Your throne room with singing. I know that You are the Lord and that You are God. You have made me and I belong to you. I am Your own and I am one of the sheep in Your pasture. (HE is Jehovah Roeh: Shepherd.) As I come into Your presence, I enter with thanksgiving and I enter with praises. I give thanks to You. I bless Your name. Father, You are good. You have given to me Your steadfast, enduring, and forever love. Thank You that Your faithfulness is to all generations.
I encourage you as you are praying to personalize Scripture and pray it to the Father. A reminder that His Word is to abide in me! I know that He would rather hear the joyful noise in my attempts to worship Him then in my whining noise of fussing, fuming, and fretting! Oh yes, go ahead and sing an ole hymn to Him or a praise song. I just bet that He will delight in your joyful noise to Him. Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS
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