What If?
When Cain was fearful that God had approved Able's sacrifice and not his, his fear moved him to anger. Father God appealed to him and asked, "Why are you angry?" He even furthered the conversation with encouraging him to do what was right and warned him if he chose not to respond correctly that "sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it"!!! Count on it, fear often wants to move to anger and hunker down there and surrounds itself with several other negative emotions to justify the anger.
Last night and this morning, I have been privy to several situations which cause concern and they all affect someones that I love. While working on 2 Chronicles 20 for my study with the women this week, I love Jehosaphat's bold option when approached with coming assaults by 3 great enemies against his kingdom, "alarmed, Jehosaphat RESOLVED to inquire of the Lord." He fasted and prayed. I am resolved as I hear the taunts of "what if" and "if only"... I AM RESOLVED TO WAIT AND HEAR WHAT THE LORD SPEAKS AND I WILL STAND IN FAITH." He, alone has the final and only word which soothes the heart and is able to lavish peace and grace to me. I RUN to 2 Timothy 1:7, God has not given me the spirit of fear, but He has given me the spirit of power, love, and a disciplined mind. I do NOT have to run with my blankie and look for my passie to curl up in a corner and move into being a victim of fate or karma, which are both lies! John 10 reminds me that I know the voice of my Shepherd and that I will not obey the voice of the thief who only wants to lie, cheat, and kill me! Learn along with me. Forever learning! In process! #IHAVETHREESONS.
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